Are Brass Knuckles illegal In Australia?

Are brass knuckles illegal in Australia? In Australia, public safety is a top priority, and the law strictly regulates the possession and use of dangerous weapons. Brass knuckles, also known as knuckle dusters, fall under this category. This article provides a detailed explanation of the legality of brass knuckles in Australia, along with the relevant laws and potential consequences. Follow!!

Are brass knuckles illegal in Australia? Are knuckle dusters illegal in Australia?



  • Importing brass knuckles into Australia is illegal without a government permit. These permits are only granted for specific purposes, such as law enforcement use or film productions.
  • Possession of brass knuckles is illegal throughout Australia.

State-Specific Laws:

  • Some states have additional legislation regarding brass knuckles. For instance, New South Wales explicitly classifies them as prohibited weapons.

Nationwide Restrictions:

  • Importation: Importing brass knuckles into Australia is illegal without a government permit. Permits are only granted in specific circumstances, such as law enforcement use or film productions.
  • Sale and Possession: Owning or selling brass knuckles is illegal throughout Australia. They are classified as prohibited weapons under various state and federal legislations, including the Weapons Prohibition Act 1998 (Cth).

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Are brass knuckles illegal in western Australia?

Brass knuckles are illegal to possess, sell, or import in Western Australia, just like everywhere else in Australia.  Western Australia adheres to the national guidelines set by the  Weapons Act 1999 (WA)  and the  Weapons Prohibition Act 1998 (Cth). These classify brass knuckles as  prohibited weapons.


Penalties for Offenses

The consequences of possessing or selling brass knuckles in Australia can be severe. Penalties vary by state or territory but typically involve:

  • Fines: Thousands of dollars in fines are common.
  • Imprisonment: Jail time is a possibility, depending on the severity of the offense.
  • Criminal Record: A conviction can lead to a criminal record, impacting employment and travel opportunities.

Exemptions (Very Rare)

Exemptions for possessing prohibited weapons, including brass knuckles, exist in exceptional cases. These exemptions are granted on a case-by-case basis and may involve:

  • Law Enforcement and Military: Police, security personnel, and the military may be authorized to possess brass knuckles for official duties.
  • Museums and Collections: Museums and collectors with the proper permits can hold brass knuckles for historical or educational purposes.


Important Considerations

  • Self-Defense: Brass knuckles are not considered a legitimate form of self-defense in Australia. There are legal self-defense options available, but these typically involve using reasonable force without a dangerous weapon.
  • Alternatives for Self-Defense: Pepper spray or personal alarms are legal self-defense options in some Australian states and territories, but restrictions apply. It’s crucial to check the regulations in your area.

Brass knuckles are illegal to import, sell, or possess in Australia without a very rare exemption. If you’re unsure about the legality of a particular item, always err on the side of caution and consult the authorities.

>>> Read More: Are Brass Knuckles Legal In Pennsylvania?

About William Wolfe

Independent Security Consultant. Training and support. Private and government contracts. Well travelled. Local Liaison, advance, investigation services for teams travelling to the Iberian peninsula.

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