Are Brass Knuckles illegal In Georgia?

Considering using brass knuckles for self-defense in Georgia? You might be wondering, “Are brass knuckles illegal in Georgia?”  While some states have strict laws around these items, Georgia’s regulations are more relaxed. This article will explore the legality of brass knuckles in Georgia, including any restrictions on ownership and carry.


Are brass knuckles legal in Georgia?

In Georgia, Owning brass knuckles in Georgia is not inherently illegal. You can possess them in your home or on your property.

Are brass knuckles illegal in Georgia?


In Georgia, brass knuckles are legal to own, but there are restrictions on how you can carry them:

  • Concealed carry is illegal: You cannot carry brass knuckles hidden on your person or in a bag. They must be carried openly and fully exposed to view [OCGA 16-11-126].
  • Schools and other restrictions: You cannot carry brass knuckles within 1000 feet of a school zone or certain government buildings [OCGA 16-11-127.1].
  • Intent to harm: Even if following carrying regulations, using brass knuckles to injure someone is a crime.

Overall, while brass knuckles aren’t completely illegal in Georgia, there are limitations on carrying them. It’s always best to consult a lawyer for the latest legal interpretations.

Important Considerations

  • Use Dictates Legality: Even if openly carried, using brass knuckles to harm someone becomes a criminal offense.
  • Location Restrictions: Carrying brass knuckles into specific locations like schools or government buildings might be prohibited regardless of concealment. It’s advisable to check with the specific location for their weapons policy.

>>> Click Are Brass Knuckles illegal In South Carolina?

About William Wolfe

Independent Security Consultant. Training and support. Private and government contracts. Well travelled. Local Liaison, advance, investigation services for teams travelling to the Iberian peninsula.

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