Are Brass Knuckles illegal In Nevada?

Are brass knuckles illegal in Nevada? In Nevada, if you’re considering carrying brass knuckles for self-defense, it’s important to be aware of the law. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the legality of brass knuckles in Nevada, including the penalties for possession. Follow!!

Are brass knuckles illegal in Nevada?


Brass knuckles are classified as illegal weapons in Nevada. This applies to various actions, including:

  • Possession: Simply having brass knuckles on your person, even in your home, is against the law.
  • Manufacturing: Creating or crafting brass knuckles within the state is prohibited.
  • Buying or Selling: Engaging in any kind of transaction involving brass knuckles is illegal.
  • Carrying: Open or concealed carry of brass knuckles is not permitted.

Legal Reference and Potential Penalties

Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) Chapter 202.350 outlines the regulations on weapons, including a specific clause on brass knuckles. This statute makes it a crime to manufacture, import, sell, give, lend, offer, or possess brass knuckles.

Violating this law is typically considered a gross misdemeanor in Nevada. The potential penalties for a gross misdemeanor conviction include:

  • Incarceration in a county jail for up to 364 days
  • Fines of up to $2,000
  • A combination of both jail time and fines


>>> Read More: Are Brass Knuckles illegal In Tennesese?

Why Are Brass Knuckles Illegal?

The primary reason behind the ban on brass knuckles lies in their potential to inflict severe injuries. These weapons are designed to concentrate force onto a small area, significantly increasing the risk of broken bones and other serious damage during a fight. Additionally, brass knuckles are often associated with gang activity, and their illegality helps to deter violence.

Alternatives for Self-Defense in Nevada

Since brass knuckles are illegal, it’s important to consider alternative self-defense options that are legal in Nevada. Here are some options to explore:

  • Pepper Spray: Pepper spray is a legal self-defense option in Nevada, with limitations on canister size and purchase age.
  • Self-Defense Classes: Taking a self-defense class can equip you with valuable skills and techniques to defend yourself.
  • Tasers: Tasers may be legal with proper permitting in Nevada. Research local regulations for specifics.

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About William Wolfe

Independent Security Consultant. Training and support. Private and government contracts. Well travelled. Local Liaison, advance, investigation services for teams travelling to the Iberian peninsula.

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