Are brass knuckles illegal in virginia? How to get a permit?

Considering using brass knuckles for self-defense in Virginia? You might be wondering if it’s legal to carry them. In this guide, we’ll break down the laws surrounding brass knuckles in Virginia and answer the question: Are brass knuckles illegal in Virginia? How to get a permit for brass knuckles in Virginia? Follow!!

Are brass knuckles illegal in Virginia? 

Brass knuckles are known for their potential to inflict serious injury, and Virginia law strictly regulates their possession and carry. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the legality of brass knuckles in Virginia, addressing common questions and ensuring you stay on the right side of the law.


In Virginia, possessing brass knuckles without a concealed carry permit is illegal. This applies to carrying them on your person, in a vehicle, or anywhere else readily accessible for use.

Here’s a breakdown of the relevant Virginia code:

  • § 18.2-311: Prohibiting the selling or having in possession blackjacks, etc. Virginia Code § 18.2-311 [invalid URL removed] This statute outlaws the selling, bartering, giving, or possessing brass knuckles, along with other specified weapons, with the intent to sell or use them.

Penalties for Possession of Brass Knuckles in Virginia

Violating Virginia’s brass knuckles law is considered a Class 4 misdemeanor. This carries a potential punishment of:

  • Up to $2,500 in fines
  • Up to one year in jail

A second offense can be charged as a felony, leading to harsher penalties.

>>> Click Are Brass Knuckles illegal In Ohio?

How to get a permit for brass knuckles in Virginia?

Concealed Carry Permit Does Not Apply to Brass Knuckles. It’s important to note that having a Concealed Carry Permit (CCP) in Virginia does not authorize you to carry brass knuckles. CCPs are solely for concealed carry of firearms, and there is no permit system for brass knuckles or similar weapons in the state.


Are brass knuckles legal in West Virginia?

In West Virginia, the legality of brass knuckles is a bit more nuanced compared to Virginia. Here’s the breakdown:

Brass knuckles themselves are not illegal to possess in West Virginia. However, they are considered a “deadly weapon” under state law.

This means:

  • You can legally own brass knuckles in your home.
  • Carrying them concealed requires a concealed weapons permit (CWP) in West Virginia.

Here are some key points to remember:

  • West Virginia Code §61-7-2 defines “metallic or false knuckles” as the legal term for brass knuckles. [West Virginia Code definition]
  • Open carry of brass knuckles (visible and not concealed) might be subject to local ordinances. It’s best to check with your local law enforcement for clarification.
  • Even with a CWP, you cannot carry brass knuckles if you are otherwise prohibited from possessing a firearm under state or federal law.

>>> Read More: Is pepper spray legal in Chicago?

About William Wolfe

Independent Security Consultant. Training and support. Private and government contracts. Well travelled. Local Liaison, advance, investigation services for teams travelling to the Iberian peninsula.

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