Are Brass Knuckles illegal UK?

Considering carrying brass knuckles for self-defense in the UK? It’s important to be aware of the law. In this article, we’ll answer the question: Are brass knuckles illegal UK and explore the regulations surrounding these potentially dangerous items. Follow!!

Are brass knuckles illegal UK?

In the UK, brass knuckles, also known as knuckle dusters, are illegal to possess, sell, import, or manufacture. This applies to both public and private places. The law changed in July 2019 with the Offensive Weapons Act 2019, which aimed to curb violent crime.


Here’s a breakdown of the law:

  • Possession: Owning brass knuckles is a criminal offense, even if you keep them at home.
  • Sale and Import: Selling or importing brass knuckles is also illegal.
  • Manufacturing: Making your own brass knuckles is prohibited.

Penalties for Breaking the Law:

  • Possession of an offensive weapon can lead to a maximum sentence of 4 years imprisonment in a Crown Court or 6 months imprisonment and/or a fine in a Magistrates’ Court.

Important Considerations:

  • Inheritance: If you inherit brass knuckles, you must surrender them to the police.
  • Antiques: There may be exemptions for genuine antiques, but it’s crucial to consult a lawyer specializing in weapons law to determine legality.
  • Self-Defense: Brass knuckles are not considered a legitimate means of self-defense in the UK. There are self-defense courses available that teach safe and legal techniques.

Why are Brass Knuckles Illegal?


The UK government banned brass knuckles due to their potential to cause serious injuries. They are seen as offensive weapons designed to inflict harm, not for self-defense.

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Are brass knuckles illegal in England?

Brass knuckles, also known as knuckle dusters, are illegal to own in England.

  • Law Changes: In 2019, the Offensive Weapons Act was updated to make possession of certain offensive weapons illegal, even in private settings. This includes brass knuckles.
  • Current Law: This means you cannot buy, sell, import, or even own brass knuckles in England. If you already have a pair, there were initiatives for surrendering them to the authorities.

What are some legal self-defense options UK?

While carrying weapons is not advised, UK law allows for reasonable force to defend yourself or others. Consider self-defense classes that focus on de-escalation tactics and situational awareness.

In conclusion, brass knuckles are illegal to own or possess in the UK. The penalties for violating this law can be significant. If you have any questions or concerns, it’s best to consult with a lawyer specializing in weapons law.

>>> Click Are Brass Knuckles Legal In Alabama?

About William Wolfe

Independent Security Consultant. Training and support. Private and government contracts. Well travelled. Local Liaison, advance, investigation services for teams travelling to the Iberian peninsula.

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