Are Brass Knuckles Legal In Arkansas?

Are Brass Knuckles Legal in Arkansas? Brass knuckles, often referred to as “knucks,” are a popular self-defense tool known for their effectiveness in hand-to-hand combat. However, their legality varies significantly across different states in the U.S. If you’re in Arkansas or planning to visit, it’s crucial to understand the state’s laws regarding the possession and use of brass knuckles. Follow!!

Are brass knuckles legal in Arkansas?


Brass knuckles are illegal in Arkansas. Arkansas law specifically prohibits the possession, manufacture, or sale of “knuckles,” which includes brass knuckles. This prohibition is outlined in Arkansas Code Annotated § 5-64-303. The statute defines “knuckles” as “any instrument, weapon, or device, whether or not concealed, designed or intended for the purpose of striking or beating another person.”

Brass knuckles are considered dangerous weapons due to their potential to inflict serious injury. They can amplify the force of a punch, making it more likely to cause severe harm or even death. For this reason, many jurisdictions, including Arkansas, have laws that prohibit their possession and use.

Are plastic knuckles legal in Arkansas?

Under Arkansas law, the possession, sale, exhibition, repair, manufacture, or display of brass knuckles (which would include plastic knuckles) is strictly prohibited. Violation of this law can result in criminal charges ranging from a misdemeanor to a felony, depending on the circumstances and the gravity of the offense.

>>> Read More: Are Brass Knuckles illegal UK?

Possession and Carrying Restrictions


Under Arkansas law, possessing brass knuckles is classified as a misdemeanor offense. This includes carrying them on your person, in your vehicle, or in any other accessible location. The law specifically targets those who carry brass knuckles with the intent to use them as a weapon.

However, there are some exceptions to this rule. For instance, if brass knuckles are being transported in a locked container, not easily accessible, or used as part of a collection or display, the legal implications might differ. But it’s always advisable to consult with a legal expert before making any assumptions about these exceptions.

Penalties for Violating Brass Knuckles Laws in Arkansas

If you’re caught possessing or carrying brass knuckles in Arkansas, you could face significant legal consequences. Being charged with a misdemeanor can result in fines, imprisonment, or both. The exact penalties can vary based on factors such as the presence of a prior criminal record, the specific circumstances of the offense, and the discretion of the court.

For instance, a first-time offender might receive a lighter sentence compared to someone with a history of similar offenses. The court also considers the intent behind carrying the brass knuckles; if they are found in a situation that suggests they were intended for use in a crime, the penalties could be more severe.

To ensure compliance with Arkansas law and avoid legal issues, it’s essential to be aware of the state’s regulations regarding weapons. If you have questions or concerns about the legality of brass knuckles or any other item, it’s highly recommended to consult with a local attorney.

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About William Wolfe

Independent Security Consultant. Training and support. Private and government contracts. Well travelled. Local Liaison, advance, investigation services for teams travelling to the Iberian peninsula.

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