Are Brass Knuckles Legal In France?

Brass knuckles, also known as knuckledusters or American fist strikes (coup-de-poing américain in French), are popularized in movies but can land you in trouble in many countries, including France. This article explores the legal status of brass knuckles in France, dives into potential exceptions, and suggests safer self-defense alternatives. Follow!!

Are brass knuckles legal in France?

In France, brass knuckles are illegal to carry in public. This applies under all circumstances, even for self-defense. Owning brass knuckles with the intent to collect them might be tolerated if you’re over 18, but the law remains murky. It’s best to avoid purchasing them altogether.


Here’s a breakdown of the legalities:

  • Carrying: Strictly prohibited.
  • Purchasing: Potentially allowed for collectors over 18, but legal interpretation is unclear.
  • Using: Illegal in any situation.

Penalties: Getting caught with brass knuckles in France can result in a fine or even imprisonment. The severity depends on the specific circumstances.

There might be a rare exception for licensed security professionals or individuals with a specific professional need, but this requires official authorization. Always consult with a French legal professional before assuming any exceptions apply.

Important Note: Even in these exceptional circumstances, using brass knuckles for self-defense might not be a legal justification.

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Safer Self-Defense Options in France


Carrying weapons for self-defense is generally discouraged in France. However, here are some legal and safer alternatives to consider:

  • Self-defense classes: Learning self-defense techniques can empower you to handle threatening situations without resorting to weapons.
  • Pepper Spray: Pepper spray is a less-lethal option that can temporarily incapacitate an attacker. However, regulations exist, so ensure you’re carrying a legal canister. Research French pepper spray laws before purchasing.
  • Personal alarm: A personal alarm draws attention and can deter attackers.

Remember: Always prioritize de-escalation and escaping a dangerous situation over confrontation.

Brass knuckles are illegal to carry in France. While there might be a narrow exception for licensed professionals, it’s best to avoid them altogether. Consider self-defense classes, legal pepper spray (if available), or personal alarms for safer self-defense options. Remember, staying aware of your surroundings and avoiding risky situations is the best defense.

>>> Click Are brass knuckles illegal in Florida?

About William Wolfe

Independent Security Consultant. Training and support. Private and government contracts. Well travelled. Local Liaison, advance, investigation services for teams travelling to the Iberian peninsula.

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