Is Pepper Spray Legal In Bangladesh?

Pepper spray, a non-lethal self-defense tool, is commonly used worldwide for personal safety, particularly by women. It is made from chili pepper extract (Capsaicin), which causes temporary blindness, breathing difficulties, and a burning sensation, making it an effective means of deterring attackers. But is pepper spray legal in Bangladesh? This question is critical for those concerned with self-defense and legal compliance. Follow !!

Is pepper spray legal in Bangladesh?

As of now, there are no clear, specific laws in Bangladesh that explicitly mention the legality of pepper spray. The country’s legal framework, especially regarding self-defense tools, has not been updated to address modern self-defense items like pepper spray. However, this doesn’t mean that its use is entirely unrestricted.


  • Bangladesh Arms Act, 1878

The Bangladesh Arms Act of 1878 governs the possession and use of firearms and other dangerous weapons in the country. While the Act primarily deals with firearms, its vague language concerning “dangerous weapons” leaves room for interpretation. Pepper spray, due to its potential to incapacitate someone temporarily, might fall into a gray area under this law.

  • The Penal Code, 1860

Under the Bangladesh Penal Code (1860), carrying or using a weapon with the intention of causing harm can result in legal consequences. If pepper spray is used in a way that harms another individual without justified cause, it could potentially lead to criminal charges. Therefore, self-defense needs to be well-documented in any such incident.

According to the Bangladesh Penal Code (1940), Section 511, “Inflicting grievous hurt on person with intent to cause death or grievous hurt,” is punishable with imprisonment for life or a fine, or both. While pepper spray is not explicitly mentioned in this section, its use as a self-defense tool can be considered as a form of inflicting grievous hurt.

In 2019, the Bangladesh government introduced a new law, the “Maintenance of Public Order Ordinance, 2019” (Chapter 34, Section 3), which prohibits the carrying of any “noxious liquid, gas or other substance” without a license. However, there is no specific mention of pepper spray in this ordinance.

The Narcotics Control Act, 1994, which regulates the use of narcotics and psychotropic substances, does not specifically mention pepper spray. However, under Section 5 of this act, any person found in possession of any substance that is “commonly used as a poison” can be imprisoned for up to three years or fined.

  • Exemptions and Permits

While there is no explicit exemption or permit required to carry pepper spray in Bangladesh, there are some exceptions:

    • Law enforcement agencies and security personnel are allowed to carry pepper spray as part of their standard issue equipment.
    • Licensed security personnel and private bodyguards may be allowed to carry pepper spray with the permission of the relevant authorities.
    • Researchers and scientists may be allowed to carry pepper spray for laboratory use, subject to the approval of the relevant authorities.

>>> Read: Is Pepper Spray Legal in Korea?

Penalties for Unauthorized Possession

Possessing or carrying pepper spray without a license or permit can lead to severe penalties, including:

  • Imprisonment for up to three years
  • Fine of up to BDT 50,000 (approximately USD 600)
  • Confiscation of the pepper spray and any other related equipment

Self-Defense in Bangladesh


In Bangladesh, like many other countries, individuals are allowed to defend themselves if they feel threatened. The right to self-defense is implicit in several sections of the Bangladesh Penal Code. Section 96 to 106 of the Penal Code deals with the right of private defense. These sections allow a person to use reasonable force to defend themselves or others from harm. However, what constitutes “reasonable force” is often subjective and depends on the circumstances.

Given this, pepper spray may be permissible as a self-defense tool in life-threatening situations, but its use must be justifiable in court. Unwarranted or excessive use can lead to legal complications.

Availability of Pepper Spray in Bangladesh

Although the legal framework surrounding pepper spray is ambiguous, it is available in some retail outlets and online stores in Bangladesh. Women’s self-defense organizations and certain safety gear suppliers sell pepper spray as a tool for personal protection.

However, purchasing pepper spray in Bangladesh often involves discretion, as it is not widely regulated or clearly defined within the law. It is recommended to purchase pepper spray from reliable sources and be aware of the laws related to its usage to avoid any legal consequences.

Precautions for Using Pepper Spray in Bangladesh

If you decide to carry pepper spray in Bangladesh, there are several precautions you should take to ensure that you stay within legal boundaries:

  1. Use Only for Self-Defense: Only use pepper spray if you are in imminent danger. Using it unnecessarily or aggressively could lead to legal trouble.
  2. Keep Documentation: If possible, keep a receipt or proof of purchase to show that you acquired the spray legally and for personal safety.
  3. Learn How to Use It Safely: Proper training is crucial. Misuse could cause accidental harm to yourself or others.
  4. Avoid Public Spaces: Using pepper spray in crowded areas could affect bystanders, leading to unintended consequences.

What Should You Do if You Face Legal Issues?


If you use pepper spray in self-defense and face legal issues, it is essential to follow these steps:

  1. Document the Incident: If possible, gather evidence that shows you acted in self-defense. Witnesses, videos, or other forms of evidence can be crucial.
  2. Cooperate with Authorities: If you are questioned by law enforcement, remain calm and explain that the use of pepper spray was for self-defense.
  3. Consult a Lawyer: Legal advice is critical in ensuring that your actions are justified under Bangladeshi law.


The legality of pepper spray in Bangladesh remains somewhat ambiguous due to the lack of specific legislation addressing it. While the country’s laws do not explicitly prohibit pepper spray, its use could fall under broader categories of dangerous weapons depending on the context of its use. For individuals concerned with personal safety, particularly women, pepper spray may be an effective tool, but it must be used responsibly and only in genuine self-defense situations.

When carrying or using pepper spray in Bangladesh, it is crucial to stay informed about the relevant laws, exercise caution, and be prepared to justify its use in case of any legal complications. Always remember that self-defense is a right, but it must be exercised within the limits of the law.


  1. Is pepper spray allowed in Bangladesh?
    Pepper spray is not explicitly mentioned in Bangladesh’s laws, making its legality ambiguous. However, it may be permissible for self-defense if used appropriately.
  2. Can I buy pepper spray in Bangladesh?
    Yes, pepper spray can be purchased in Bangladesh, though it may not be widely available or regulated.
  3. What should I do if I use pepper spray in self-defense?
    If you use pepper spray in self-defense, document the incident, cooperate with authorities, and consult a lawyer to ensure you comply with the law.

By staying informed and cautious, you can better protect yourself while adhering to the legal framework in Bangladesh.

>>> Click Is Pepper Spray Legal in Alabama?

About William Wolfe

Independent Security Consultant. Training and support. Private and government contracts. Well travelled. Local Liaison, advance, investigation services for teams travelling to the Iberian peninsula.

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