Is Pepper Spray Legal In Missouri?

Pepper spray is a widely recognized self-defense tool, and understanding its legality is crucial before carrying it. In Missouri, the answer is yes, pepper spray is legal for self-defense purposes, but there are some important details to consider. This article provides a thorough explanation of Missouri’s pepper spray laws and addresses frequently asked questions.

Is pepper spray legal in Missouri?

Missouri Revised Statutes Chapter 571 defines “temporary incapacitating substance” as a self-defense spray containing an Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) derivative, commonly known as pepper spray. This definition clarifies that pepper spray is legal to purchase, possess, and use for self-defense in the state.


Restrictions on Pepper Spray Use and Possession

  • Age: The legal age to purchase and possess pepper spray in Missouri is 18. Minors under 18 cannot legally possess pepper spray without written consent from a parent or guardian.
  • Use: Pepper spray must be used solely for self-defense purposes. Using it to harm someone else or as a prank could result in criminal charges.
  • Place: While pepper spray is generally legal, some locations, like schools, government buildings, or private property with clear signage prohibiting it, may have restrictions. It’s always best to check with the specific venue beforehand.

What self-defense weapons are legal in Missouri?

Missouri law allows for a variety of self-defense options, both lethal and non-lethal:

Firearms: Generally, firearms are legal for concealed carry with a permit.

Non-lethal options:

  • Pepper Spray: Owning and carrying pepper spray is legal in Missouri.
  • Tasers: Tasers are also legal for self-defense purposes.

Legality of other items gets murkier: Bladed weapons: While not explicitly banned, certain bladed weapons like brass knuckles and blackjacks are considered illegal. Be cautious with any self-defense product disguised as an everyday object (e.g., a comb or belt buckle with a hidden blade) as these may be seen as illegal weapons.

>>> Click Is Pepper Spray Legal In Oregon?

About William Wolfe

Independent Security Consultant. Training and support. Private and government contracts. Well travelled. Local Liaison, advance, investigation services for teams travelling to the Iberian peninsula.

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