Is Pepper Spray Legal In Portugal?

Pepper spray is a popular self-defense tool around the world, but its legality varies greatly by country. If you’re planning a trip to Portugal or live there as an expat, you might be wondering: can I carry pepper spray for self-defense in Portugal? is pepper spray legal in Portugal? Follow!!


The answer is yes, but with restrictions. Unlike some European countries where pepper spray is freely available, Portugal requires a license for civilians to purchase, carry, and use pepper spray.

Here’s a breakdown of the legalities surrounding pepper spray in Portugal:

  • Licensing: You need a permit issued by the Portuguese authorities to possess pepper spray. This permit is typically obtained through the National Republican Guard (GNR) or the Public Security Police (PSP).
  • Type of Pepper Spray: Only Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) spray, derived from chili peppers, is legal for civilian use in Portugal. CS spray, a different type of irritant, is considered a weapon and prohibited.
  • Concentration Limits: The maximum OC concentration allowed in civilian pepper spray is 5%. Police officers carry pepper spray with a higher concentration.

>>> Read More: Is Pepper Spray Legal In Mexico City?

Obtaining a Pepper Spray License in Portugal

The process for obtaining a pepper spray license can be complex and requires certain criteria:

  • Clean Criminal Record: You’ll need a clean criminal record with no history of violence.
  • Justification for Use: You may be required to demonstrate a legitimate reason for needing pepper spray, such as living in a high-risk area or having a history of being targeted.
  • Training: Some sources suggest that pepper spray training might be mandatory, but confirm this detail with the authorities directly.

Alternatives to Pepper Spray in Portugal

Given the licensing hurdles, here are some alternative self-defense options to consider in Portugal:

  • Self-Defense Courses: Taking self-defense classes can equip you with practical skills to handle threatening situations.
  • Personal Alarms: A personal alarm can attract attention and deter attackers.
  • Carrying Less-Lethal Sprays: While pepper spray is restricted, check regulations on tear gas or other irritant sprays allowed for civilian use (if any).

Important Note: Laws and regulations can change. This article provides a general overview, but it’s crucial to consult with the Portuguese authorities (GNR or PSP) for the most up-to-date information on pepper spray legality and the licensing process.


  • Always prioritize de-escalation and avoiding conflict when possible.
  • If you choose to carry pepper spray, ensure you understand its proper use and limitations.
  • Be aware of the legal repercussions of using pepper spray outside of self-defense situations.

By staying informed and prepared, you can make informed decisions about your personal safety in Portugal.

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About William Wolfe

Independent Security Consultant. Training and support. Private and government contracts. Well travelled. Local Liaison, advance, investigation services for teams travelling to the Iberian peninsula.

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