Are Brass Knuckles Legal In Washington State?

Considering using brass knuckles for self-defense in Washington state? It’s important to be aware of the legal implications before carrying one. This article dives into the question: are brass knuckles legal in Washington state? Are brass knuckles illegal in Washington State? We’ll explore the laws surrounding possession, distribution, and manufacturing of these knuckles, and the potential penalties for violating them. Follow!!

Legality of Brass Knuckles in Washington


Washington law classifies brass knuckles as a “dangerous weapon.” The Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 9.41.270 defines “dangerous weapon” as any instrument readily capable of inflicting serious injury. This includes, but is not limited to, brass knuckles, billy clubs, and switchblade knives.

Are Brass Knuckles Legal in Washington State? Are brass knuckles illegal in Washington State?

Are brass knuckles illegal in Washington? In Washington State, carrying, possessing, or manufacturing brass knuckles is illegal. This applies even if you have a concealed carry permit for firearms. 


Penalties for Possession of Brass Knuckles

Violating RCW 9.41.270 is considered a gross misdemeanor in Washington. A conviction can result in:

  • Up to one year in county jail
  • Fines of up to $5,000

What if I Unintentionally Possess Brass Knuckles?

Washington law considers the intent behind possessing a dangerous weapon. If you can demonstrate you unknowingly possessed brass knuckles, you might face lesser charges or avoid charges altogether. However, this requires presenting a strong case and depends on the specific circumstances.

>>> Read More: Are Brass Knuckles illegal In Australia?

Alternatives to Brass Knuckles for Self-Defense


If you’re concerned about self-defense, Washington allows carrying pepper spray or taking self-defense classes. Pepper spray is a legal option for most people over the age of 18, with some restrictions on purchase and carrying capacity. Self-defense classes can equip you with practical skills to defend yourself without resorting to weapons.

Brass knuckles are illegal to carry in Washington state. But that doesn’t leave you defenseless! Here are some legal and effective alternatives for self-defense in Washington:

  • Pepper Spray:Pepper spray is a great non-lethal option that can effectively deter an attacker. It’s legal to carry pepper spray in Washington without a permit, but there are restrictions on the size and type of container you can carry. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the state’s laws before purchasing pepper spray.

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  • Stun Gun: Stun guns can deliver a powerful electric shock that can incapacitate an attacker. Washington law allows for the purchase and ownership of stun guns by anyone over the age of 18, but there are restrictions on their use. You cannot use a stun gun in a threatening manner, and you cannot use it to commit a crime.
  • Personal Alarm:A personal alarm is a loud noisemaker that can attract attention and scare off an attacker. Personal alarms are legal to carry in Washington state and can be a great way to deter an attacker, especially if you are in a well-populated area.
  • Self-Defense Classes: Taking a self-defense class is one of the best things you can do to protect yourself. In a self-defense class, you will learn how to de-escalate a situation, defend yourself against physical attacks, and stay safe. There are many different self-defense classes available, so you can find one that fits your needs and interests.

Remember, the best form of self-defense is to avoid dangerous situations altogether. If you can, walk away from a confrontation. If you are being attacked, try to yell for help or run away. If you must use a self-defense tool, use it only as a last resort and be sure to follow the law.

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About William Wolfe

Independent Security Consultant. Training and support. Private and government contracts. Well travelled. Local Liaison, advance, investigation services for teams travelling to the Iberian peninsula.

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